Florida legislature has recently taken steps to improve education and healthcare in light of the healthcare crisis. The state of Florida has experienced a massive shortage of all healthcare professionals, especially nurses and nurse practitioners.
Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed 5 education-related bills into law. The legislature voted in support of Senator Corey Simon’s SB 1272 Education Grants measure that would help nursing schools like Herzing University’s School of Nursing attract more students to the nursing program.
“We are humbled and proud that the legislature has expanded access to tuition assistance to deserving students, specifically Herzing students who are primarily minorities, women in single-parent households, and veterans who want to make a difference in the lives of their families and Floridians, while helping solve the critical nursing shortage,” stated Jason Morgan, Senior Vice President of Herzing University Florida
To learn more, you can read the full article in The Floridian.