Getzie Lamar
I applied to the Software Development program through the VRRAP program because finishing a degree in this field was important to me. Both VRRAP and Herzing University supported me throughout the program, helping me cover my expenses while enrolled.
I've been pursuing my dream of becoming a software engineer since high school. Through the VRRAP program, the Associate of Science in Software Development was the closest I've come to fulfilling this dream and is a step towards my career goal. Herzing accepted many transfer credits from my previous schools, allowing me to complete the Associate's degree in just one year, as required by VRRAP. I'm thrilled with how everything worked out.
Dr. Jose Cardenas was the best professor, academic advisor, and academic confidant I've ever known. Always available and encouraging, he provided excellent advice both academically and professionally. I'm grateful for his support throughout the program.
Despite facing family and health issues, as well as personal challenges like estrangement from my husband and co-parenting, I persevered. I even had to file an appeal for low academic performance at one point, but I'm okay with the low GPA as it reflects my ability to overcome difficulties.
In my last term before graduation, I was assigned a class outside my program of study, IS 283 Network Security. While it was initially for payment purposes for VRRAP, this class set me up for the CompTIA Security+ certification exam, which would open doors to a true cybersecurity career.
According to the VRRAP program, I must find employment in my field within six months of graduation. I'm considering freelancing while seeking entry-level positions and plan to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and an MBA with a focus on Project Management at Herzing University.
While I had never heard of Herzing University before VRRAP introduced me to it, I discovered it to be one of Atlanta's best-kept secrets in education. Despite taking time to adjust to their unique coursework delivery through Canvas, it has been the best fit for busy adults like myself. The staff and professors, being working adults too, understand the challenges we face and are always supportive in helping us achieve our academic and professional goals.
I encourage young people to pursue a career in tech, emphasizing the importance of keeping up with the rapidly changing tech world. It’s worth it.

Getzie Lamar
Technology Student